Friday, June 6, 2014

Settling In To The Routine

Back in the gym this morning at 10:30am. Same warmup, then same drilling of upa to situp sweep. Techniques were the exact same guard passes from the last class, which was AWESOME. I'm not used to getting so much time to drill a technique set. I was able to troubleshoot some issues in the first one I talked about and really work on the hip twist that goes along with the knee cut pass.

Drilled for 10 minutes each, so about 3:30 per technique, then split off to roll. Had some fun, still working on getting back in shape, and getting back into the mindset. Made some stuff work, other stuff not so much. Got to roll with my new instructor for the first time and I was really impressed with the precision of his gripping in no-gi, he's only a little heavier than I am, maybe 15lbs, so seeing how he grips and moves is a nice change from my old instructor who was about 210 and had a totally different game.

This is the first time I've trained 3 days in a week in over a year I think, and I'm feeling it. Definitely feel on the tired side today. I'm not as sore as I expected I would be, but I have to dig some fence post holes tomorrow for our horses, so I'll probably feel it then.

Back on the mats Tuesday as our HVAC is coming in on Monday.

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